When the king of the jungle roars the whole jungle is silent.

This is part of the man code that many have forgotten or lost over the years. It’s so obvious in the animal kingdom but we as humans have these stupid mouths and words and abilities to make reasoning and arguments. It’s gets completely out of wack. We men are the male lions and our home is our jungle. Most of us are. Also I don’t mean this is some sexist way because in the real jungle the female lions are bad asses for real.  Nonetheless there are males and females . Just like in our houses the males and the females have different roles to play. The male lion doesn’t get up and mediate all the female lion problems they don’t need him for that. But no matter what when there is a problem and the king of the motherfucking jungle decides to get up and unleash his mighty roar , the whole entire jungle is silent . 

I figured this out with my wife after we had gone through some never ending fights. That started for not much reason and just never seemed to end right.  I think a lot of men get to that point and make a wrong turn here . They decide to just be the nice guy mentality and not say anything ever or add their 2 cents anymore to save the fighting . My position is that  tactic is dangerous and it’s deeply Unsatisfying for both sides. I can always tell these nice guys but they seem a little bit broken or crushed to me. The women on the other hand never get what they need from the dominant male and they are always  little off too . I will get more into this another time because I really want to get to the point . 

Men and women are wired differently. Our genetic source code is just different from each other . Women are emotional creatures. They need to vent often. Men don’t as much.   It’s different for them and venting can get the emotions going and it can go on for long periods of time and they aren’t always in control of it . It can be irrational at times and u can try to help and wind up the target of an attack .  Then you get pissed and it’s on like donkey kong!  Eventually most guys learn to avoid this situations at all costs.   For some reason there only seems to be 2 options . Battle or be mr nice guy.  We forgot the real play for this. 

The king of the jungle doesn’t move for much and he doesn’t move until he absolutely has to. When the king of the jungle roars the whole jungle is silent . There is no talking or telling by the other lions . He doesn’t roar more than once . He doesn’t reason with anybody or beg them . He shuts that shit down. You don’t get sucked into anything and you don’t be a target . You shut shit down when it’s time because you are the logical cool headed man that your woman needs and she will thank you for it . 

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